Herbal Medicine:  Learn how to identify and harvest easy-to-grow herbs on the farm, learn to make simple herbal remedies, and begin to use herbs as a part of a well-being practice.

Level 1: Students will begin to understand the significance of everyday plant remedies and start to build their own herbal medicine cabinet by completing three initial projects. First, students will make Garlic Honey Medicine. This simple concoction is made up of two basic farm ingredients—honey and garlic—which they will jar, allow to ferment, and enjoy over time. We will teach them how this tasty treat is really an incredibly strong antiviral with immunity-enhancing properties good for preventing colds and flus. Next students will infuse their own Calendula Healing Oil. Calendula flowers are known for their ability to repair and rebuild skin cells. Blending this calendula oil infusion allows for a safe and natural method to moisturize and heal skin. Lastly, students will make their own tea bags from scratch with mint or other homegrown herbs of their choice that they harvest. This will allow students access to safely consume and enjoy the benefits of medicinal herbs through hot and cold tea infusions. These three projects will give students the exciting opportunity to begin their herbal medicine collection and journey.