Livestock and Farming: In this segment, students acquire general skills to care for cows, sheep, turkeys, and chickens using the regenerative farming approach employed at MBF.  

Level 1: Our young farmers come to understand the connectedness between all elements on the farm: Establishing function in unison with how animals, plants, food, water, fields, shelter and health work together to create balance on the farm.  We start with understanding the food and water needs of various livestock. We learn the interdependence and regenerative cycles that connect hay, feed, minerals, manure, compost, leaves and soil. We look at how to maintain the health of both animals and crops, using minerals and paying attention to routines. Students learn that the crops and plants in gardens, orchards, nature and pasture are all important and connected. We examine shelters for both livestock and plants, including barns, open shelters, fenced enclosures, and the need for wind and snow protection. Students graduate from this badge with a clear understanding of the cycles and elements that connect all organic elements on the farm: animals produce manure, manure feeds plants, plants feed livestock—it’s a circle of life, cycling energy and fueling regeneration.